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University Grant Commission (UGC) announced the establishment of a dedicated Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (CARE) on November 28th 2018. The main purpose of UGC - CARE is to prepare and maintain the list of credible quality journals

The UGC - CARE may involve all the statutory councils, government bodies in social sciences, humanities, Arts and Fine arts, Science, medical and agriculture.

UGC CARE - Website

What is UGC Care List?

The UGC-CARE List now has only TWO groups, instead of the original FOUR groups to simplify the search process. These are NOT hierarchic or ranked groups.

UGC-CARE List Group I: Journals found qualified through UGC-CARE protocols

UGC-CARE List Group II: Journals indexed in globally recognized databases

Why it's important for Academic Research?

  • The credibility of research publications is extremely important because it represents the academic image of not just an individual, but of the institution and the entire nation.
  • The number of research articles published in reputed journals is one of the globally-accepted indicators considered for various academic purposes such as institutional ranking, appointments, promotions of faculty members, membership of academic committees, award of research degrees etc.
  • The problem of predatory / dubious / sub-standard journals has become a cause of serious concern all over the world.
  • The percentage of research articles published in poor quality journals is reported to be high in India, which has adversely affected its image.
  • Publications in dubious / sub-standard journals reflect adversely leading to long-term academic damage and a tarnished image of an individual, institution and the nation.
Last bumped by Admin on 28 Mar 2021, 00:07.
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