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How many pharmacist types do you know about? Pharmacist work in various specialty areas. More than twenty (20) types of pharmacists and their roles are explained in this topic.

1. Critical Care Pharmacist

Critical care pharmacist specializes in delivering patient care services as key members of interprofessional teams, working to ensure safe and effective use of medications in patients with critical illness.

2. Drug Information Pharmacist

Drug information specialists are pharmacists who are responsible for providing information about medications to patients, physicians and other health care professionals in order to improve ' safe use of drugs’.

3. Community Pharmacist

Community pharmacists are the most publicly accessible health professionals. They supply drugs according to a prescription or sell them without a prescription if they are legally permitted.

4. Clinical Pharmacist

Clinical pharmacists work directly with physicians and other healthcare professionals to provide patient care that optimizes drug therapy, improves safety and prevents disease.

5. Home-Care Pharmacist

Home health care pharmacists are experts in the treatment of patients at home or in other rehabilitation facilities, such as assisted living centers.

6. Academic Pharmacist

Academic pharmacists teach, train, evaluate and cultivate students from pharmacy, trainees from preregistration, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals.

7. Poison-Control Pharmacist

The Pharmacist works at poison control centers and provide drugs and toxicity related information's to medical professionals and patients.

8. Psychiatric Pharmacist

Psychiatric pharmacist specializes in treating people with mental disorders by using psychotropic drugs. Also, involved in the management of drug dependency, developmental disabilities, long-term care facilities, adhesion clinics, mental health clinics, and the prison system.

9. Regulatory Pharmacist

Regulatory pharmacists are responsible for obtaining authorization for pharmaceutical drugs to be used in clinical trials, subsequently for registration and marketing and subsequently for post-approval monitoring activities such as security updates, licensing applications for knowledge distribution, new therapeutic uses or new formulations, etc.

10. Ambulatory Pharmacist

Ambulatory pharmacists see patients treated by doctors on an outpatient basis and provide pharmaceutical care services such as, patient counseling and other supportive measures.

11. Compounding Pharmacist

Compounding pharmacist are the experts in making custom drugs according to the doctors ' prescription.

12. Consultant Pharmacist

The term “consultant” usually refers to a person who has an occupation in which they are consulted for their expertise, advice or help. In healthcare, it often refers to the most senior pharmacist.

13. Hospice Pharmacist

The pharmacist working in the hospice is responsible for the correct and safe use of medications, and as pharmacotherapy is often used for pain relief and other distressing symptoms of palliative patients.

14. Industrial Pharmacist

Industrial pharmacists are involved in the discovery and development of safe, effective and medicines

15. Infectious Disease Pharmacist

Infectious diseases (ID) pharmacists are experts in antimicrobial pharmacotherapy. This includes antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antiparasitic drugs.

16. Managed-Care Pharmacist

Managed Care Pharmacy (Pharmacist) is the practice of developing and applying evidence based medication use strategies that enhance member and population health outcomes while optimizing health care resources.

17. Nuclear Pharmacist

Nuclear pharmacists, also known as radio pharmacists, specialize in radio pharmaceutical manufacturing, compounding, dispensing, and use. Within the pharmacy, their work is a known specialty.

18. Nutrition Support Pharmacist

Nutrition Support Pharmacy is a specialized practice pertaining to the needs of patients receiving Parenteral (PN) or Enteral Nutrition (EN). Nutrition Support Pharmacists (NSPs) are integral members of the nutritional support team and bring valuable skills and knowledge to the clinical practice setting.

19. Oncology Pharmacist

Oncology pharmacists are actively engaged in all aspects of cancer care—from chemotherapy dose preparation and safety checks, to educating patients about side effects, to drug development research

20. Pediatric Pharmacist

The job of a pediatric pharmacist is to make sure that all medications prescribed to children are safe, effective, properly dosed, and age-appropriate.
Last bumped by Admin on 24 Jan 2020, 15:56.
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