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Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics B Pharm Notes - Bioavailability and Bioequivalence, Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacokinetics, Biopharmaceutics
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Pharmacokinetics - Unit III B Pharm Notes - Protein Binding, Volume of Distribution, Compartment Models - One and Two IV Bolus and Infusion,

Significance of plasma drug concentration measurement

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Compartment model-Definition and scope.
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Pharmacokinetics of drug absorption - Zero order and first order absorption rate constant using Wagner - Nelson and Loo- Reigelman method
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Volume of distribution and distribution coefficient

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Compartment kinetics - One compartment models.

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Compartment kinetics - Two compartment models.

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Curve Fitting - Download Here

Clearance concept, Mechanism of renal clearance, clearance ratio, determination of renal clearance.

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Non-linear pharmacokinetics with special reference to one compartment model after 1. V drug administration, Michaeles Menten Equation, detection of non-linearity (Saturation mechanism)
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