PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

PharmD -Clinical Pharmacist Jobs from Indian Hospitals like Fortis, Appollo, aster medicity and etc. The requirement in ambulatory, critical care, clinical trials and etc.
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The pharmacy profession is highly demanding and rewarding profession for many years in USA, Canada, Australia, NZ, UK and all other first world countries. Pharmacist is the most important and positive contributing member of the health care system of any particular country. Health care sector is very important part of any particular country, in addition, developed countries give extra important to Health care sector and health care professionals. Thus, Pharmacist is an important and valuable member of health care system in Canada, USA, Aus, NZ, and UK etc.

The demand is continuously growing because of following reasons,

More than 47% of currently working Pharmacist are above age of 45 years Old age population is dramatically increase in developed countries due to long life expectance
Increasing the rate and onset of chronic disease at early age Continually, increasing the responsibilities of pharmacist thus new era of pharmacy profession has evolved,

Registered Pharmacist
Clinical Pharmacist
Hospital Pharmacist
Consultant Pharmacist
Disease management Pharmacist
MMR Pharmacist
Nuclear Pharmacist
Geriatric Pharmacist
Industrial Pharmacist
Prescribing Pharmacist

Local students are not preferring to study Pharmacy courses,Pharmacist shortages are projected to increase over the next 20 years. Only strategic option to meet this shortage of Pharmacist can be achieved by offering Immigration to International pharmacist.

Pharmacists with specialized education and training become more versatile within the health care system to attain optimal health outcomes for patients through proper medication use. These kind of intervention evolved new avenues of opportunities for pharmacist in developed countries. For Example In Australia, Pharmacist receives wage from the Australian Government for conducting comprehensive Home Medicines Reviews.

In Canada, Pharmacists in certain provinces have prescribing rights (as in Alberta and British Columbia) or are salaried by their provincial government for expanded services such as medications reviews (Meds checks in Ontario).

In United Kingdom , Pharmacists who undertake additional training are obtaining prescribing rights. They are also being paid by the government for medicine use reviews.

In United States, Pharmaceutical care or clinical pharmacy has had an evolving influence on the practice of pharmacy.

In Scotland, Pharmacist can write prescriptions for Scottish registered patients of their regular medications, for the majority of drugs, except for Controlled drugs.
Thus, employment potential as a Pharmacist is very high in Canada, USA, AUS, NZ, and UK
To grab all this opportunities International Students must have to get “licence to practise as a pharmacist” In any particular country. In order to get Pharmacist licence, candidate must have to pass few steps.

Pharmacy Profession is regulated in all developed countries like USA, Canada, AUS, NZ and UK to practice as a Pharmacist.

Most important point, if any one wants to work as a Pharmacist they must have to get Pharmacist license from Pharmacy board of the respective country.

Eligibility to get License in all developed countries is 4 years Bachelor of Pharmacy (Note: Our 4 years Pharmacy Course is valid in all developed countries like Canada, Aus, NZ, UK and all gulf countries except for USA. USA is only accepting 5 years Bachelor of Pharmacy or PharmD Degree)

All developed countries have almost same licensing process to regulate Pharmacy profession by Conducting Examination as below.
Step - 1 : Pharmacist Evaluation Examination (Stage 1)
Step - 2 : Training as a Pharmacist
Step - 3 : Qualifying Examination (Stage 2)
Registration Steps USA Canada Australia NZ/UK



1. What are the Career opportunities as a Pharmacist in Abroad?
In Developed countries like USA, Canada, AUS, NZ and UK, most of the Pharmacists are working in varied clinical areas like Community, Hospital, Critical Care centers, Health Care department etc with diverse responsibilities such as Dispensing, Compounding,
Disease management, Medication review, Prescribing and Health Care Research. In contrast to developing Countries like India most of the Pharmacists are working in
Pharmaceutical Industries.

2. Is Pharmacy profession in demand in abroad?
Yes, Pharmacy profession is in demand for last 10 years and demand is continuously rising due to following reasons
Early onset of Chronic Disease
Average 55 year old person is taking more than 5 tablets for next 30 years
Technological advancement leads to increase in life expectancy
Increasing population in first world countries due to some factor
Health Care services are putting more burden on government budget

3. Is our B. Pharmacy valid in all developed countries?
Yes, our 4 years curriculum Bachelor of Pharmacy degree is valid in all the developed countries like Canada, AUS, NZ and UK, except for USA, FPGEE Committee Revises Pharmacy Curriculum Requirement from 1st January, 2003, FPGEE will require foreign- educated pharmacists to have earned their professional degree from a five - year
curriculum program in order to apply for FPGEE.

4. What are the extra benefits of PharmD compare to B. Pharm?
Only PharmaD graduates are eligible for pharmacist licensing process of USA.
All other countries like Canada, Australia, NZ, UK and other European countries are accepting our 4 Years Bachelor of Pharmacy so PharmaD graduates are not getting any extra benefits in these countries.

5. Which Country to select for further education in Abroad?
Before selecting your destination country for further education some of the important points needed to keep in mind such as:Our Bachelor of Pharmacy need to be valid in your destination country
Chance to get Pharmacist license, Permanent residency and Citizenship
Maximum Career growth with minimum investment of Time and Money

6. What about study in USA?
USA will offer good international exposure, wide range of Master Programes in various Universities for International students and big Indian Community despite of all this…..
4 years Pharmacy degree is not Accepted by NABP to write FPGEE exam (to get license to practice as a Pharmacist)
Study PharmD from USA or India is the only option to get Pharmacist License
Very Expensive and time consuming Process
Very less chances to get Permanent residency and Citizenship

7. What are the importances of getting Pharmacist License in Abroad?
Excellent Pharmacist job opportunities
Wide variety of career options
Excellent wages for Registered pharmacist ($1,00,000/year)
Excellent permanent settlement (PR) chances
Outstanding business opportunities (Own Pharmacy)
Non reg. Pharmacist are consider as a General Graduates.

8. Am I eligible to get direct license after doing M.S/M.Pharm/Ph.D from Abroad?
No, No one can get direct license even after doing M.S/M.Pharm/Ph.D from Abroad.
The only option to get a License is passing pharmacist License Examination of that Particular Country to Practice as a Pharmacist
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