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List of Online and offline Drug Information Websites
ahfs-home-page.jpg (186.54 KiB) Viewed 4674 times is the largest, most widely visited, independent medicine information website available on the Internet. Our aim is to be the Internet’s most trusted resource for drug and related health information. We will achieve this aim by presenting independent, objective, comprehensive and up-to-date information in a clear and concise format for both consumers and healthcare professionals.

Rx List

RxList is an online medical resource dedicated to offering detailed and current pharmaceutical information on brand and generic drugs. Founded by pharmacists in 1995, RxList is the premier Internet Drug Index resource. Acquired by WebMD in 2004, our knowledgeable staff at RxList continuously reviews and updates the site with articles written by pharmacists and physicians and data provided by credible and reliable sources like the FDA, Cerner Multum, and First Databank, Inc. to ensure the most accurate and beneficial information is provided.


WebMD provides valuable health information, tools for managing your health, and support to those who seek information. You can trust that our content is timely and credible.

Patient Info

Patient is the web’s leading independent health platform, established for over 15 years. With more than 18 million visits a month, it is a trusted source of information for both patients and health professionals across the globe.
The site contains over 4000 health information leaflets, a wellbeing centre, a free health check, and thousands of discussion forums. It is accredited by The Information Standard, NHS England’s quality mark and was listed as ‘The top health website you can’t live without’ by The Times newspaper (Jan 2013).

Biological Abstracts (BIOSIS). Silverplatter, host.

Nearly 6,000 international journals are monitored for inclusion, representing virtually every life science discipline such as agriculture,
biochemistry, biotechnology, ecology, immunology, microbiology, neuroscience, pharmacology, public health, and toxicology.

ChemID and ChemIDPlus.

National Library of Medicine, producer. A chemical dictionary file for over 340,000 compounds of biomedical and regulatory interest.


Elsevier, producer. An index of the biomedical literature with greater depth of indexing than MEDLINE, unique Western European journal coverage, and coverage of drug research. EMBASE searches available upon request to the UVa Health Sciences Librarians.


National Library of Medicine, producer. Available to search through the PubMed, Ovid, and MDConsult search interfaces. Coverage: 1966 to the present.
Ovid MEDLINE Search Guide (PDF)
( -library/info_serv/edserv/guides/7steps.pdf)
More MEDLINE Search Tips (PDF)
( -library/info_serv/edserv/guides/tips.pdf)
PubMed Search Tutorial


National Library of Medicine, producer. The "in-process" database for MEDLINE, PREMEDLINE provides basicinformation and abstracts before a record is indexed with MeSH heading(s)and added to MEDLINE. New records are added daily* to PREMEDLINE. After MeSH terms, publication types, GenBank accession numbers, and other indexing data are incorporated into a PREMEDLINE record; the completed citation is added to MEDLINE. Completed PREMEDLINE records are added as citations to MEDLINE on a weekly basis.


National Library of Medicine, producer. Contains citations published in the 1958 through 1965 Cumulated Index Medicus and covers the fields of medicine, pre-clinical sciences, and allied health sciences. OLDMEDLINE is only available through the NLM Gateway. Coverage: 1958-1965.


Thompson Healthcare, producer. Contains peer-reviewed full-text drug information. It is composed of several databases that can be searched separately or through an integrated index. These databases allow you to search for summaries and detailed monographs for drugs, alternative medicine, toxicological managements, reproductive risks, and acute/emergency care.

Toxline. National Library of Medicine, producer. This database provides toxicological, pharmacological, biochemical, and physiological effects of drugs and other chemicals.


National Library of Medicine, producer. Consists of a computerized collection of data and reference files on toxicology,hazardous chemicals, and related areas. The records are derived from about 16 secondary sources that do not require royalty charges based on usage. Entering free-text terms as they appear in titles, keywords, and abstracts of articles will retrieve citations. The portions of the database derived from MEDLINE, DART, and that portion of BIOSIS added since August 1985, may be searched using MeSH vocabulary. Chemical substances can be searched by entering their corresponding CAS Registry Numbers and/or synoyms. Coverage:1975 to the present.

Web of Science, aka Science Citation Index. Institute for Scientific Information, producer. Provides a citation index of more than 5,700 major journals covering 164 scientific disciplines, 1,700 social sciences journals, and 1,100 arts and humanities journals. Updated weekly.
It finds papers that have cited a primary paper. Coverage: 1987 to the present, but includes cited references irrespective of their date of publication, offering access to older relevant literature. Search Guide (PDF) ( - library/info_serv/edserv/guides/wos.pdf)


Consider also the Cochrane Library that includes the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and Cochrane Controlled TrialsRegister. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews includes reviews of health care interventions including adverse- effect information. The Cochrane Controlled Trials register contains 300,000 reports of randomized controlled trials in health care. These products are updated quarterly, but the records have no expiration dates as they are continuously updated.
Other important drug databases include Derwent Drug File , International Pharmaceutical Abstracts and SEDBASE (produced by Elsevier) and derived from Meyler's Side Effects of Drugs and other sources.)
Last bumped by Admin on 05 Jan 2020, 08:59.
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