PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

New Drug Information's and other safety information, drug label changes, and Dose and Dosage Calculations, CDCSO,PvPI and FDA Safety Alerts and etc.
Forum rules: The material, content provided by this forum is for informational purpose only and is not intended for substitute to medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.General rules are applicable for this forum- Find Here
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The preliminary analysis of SUSARs from the PvPI database reveals that the following drugs are
associated with the risks as given below.

Health care professionals, Patients/Consumers are advised to closely monitor the possibility of the above adverse events associated with the use of above drugs. If such events are encountered please report to the NCC-PvPI either by filling of Suspected Adverse Drug Reactions Reporting Form/ Medicines Side Effect Reporting Form for Consumer ( or by PvPI Helpline No. 1800-180-3024.

Drug Safety Alerts
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