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The human microbiome — meaning all of our microbes’ genes — will reshape the consumerization of personalized medicine and diet. Following the human genome project, technological advancements have brought us much closer to acute precision in disease diagnosis and treatment.

The microbiome, considered by some scientists “as a newly discovered and largely unexplored organ,” has the potential to change the way we diagnose and treat the most critical diseases of our time: Crohn’s, diabetes, obesity, various cancers, acute diarrhea, mental disorders and more.

Type 2 diabetes is among the most impactful indications of the 21st century, affecting millions of people and representing the largest single market for therapeutics. Definitive data show that diabetes and other metabolic diseases are linked to dysbiosis, an imbalance in the GI microbiome population. Advances in the science of the microbiome are now making it possible to develop new therapies based on modulation of the bacteria in the GI tract and their environment. As an early adopter of this approach, leveraging the microbiome to design and develop innovative new therapies for the safe prevention and treatment of metabolic diseases. These therapies will span product formats and could potentially include medical foods, pharmaceuticals, supplements and foods (nutraceuticals).

The following questions needs to answered to understand how its interlinked with Pharmacotherapy and identifying the drug discovery space.

1) What drugs are being explored in relation to the microbiome or can be considered as microbiome-based drugs?

2) What are the major therapeutic classes for microbiome-based drugs and what are the major conditions that are being studied in relation to these drugs?

3) How to mine Integrity to derive multi-omics signatures representative of the biological effects of microbiome-modulating drugs? How to export these signatures in different file formats?

4) How to use drug multi-omics signatures to identify key metabolic processes impacted by microbiome-based therapies?

To understand more about Human Microbiome watch this video

Last bumped by Admin on 08 Apr 2018, 22:44.
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