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The admit cards for the Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test (GPAT-2018) have been released by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) for the candidates who are seeking the admissions in the Master of Pharmacy (MPharm) program.

Candidates who have registered for the exam can download their respective admit card from the official website--

Steps to download the admit cards

Visit the official website as mentioned above
Click on the link 'Download Admit Card'
Enter your details in the space provided
Admit card will be displayed on the screen
Download the card and take print out of the same

Exam schedule

Duration of exam is three hours
Exam will have total of 125 questions
Each question will have 4 marks
For the wrong answer, negative marks will be given
For each correct answer, candidates will be given 4 marks

The score obtained in the GPAT exam is accepted by all the AICTE-approved institutions/university departments/constituent colleges/affiliated colleges and few scholarships and by other financial assistance is also given on the basis of the score obtained in the GPAT exam.
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