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Find medical writing/writer PharmD Jobs alerts here. That includes regulatory medical writing, healthcare content writer, freelance medical writer and etc.
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We are hiring for the below mentioned roles for BANGALORE Location:

1.Narrative Writers & Reviewers: With at least 4 – 5 years of experience in Regulatory Medical Writing, primarily in Narrative Writing.

2. Regulatory Medical Writers and Reviewers: With 2 - 5 years of experience in authoring, reviewing/project managing CSRs, IBs, protocols, summary documents across all therapeutic areas.

3. DSRM (Drug Safety & Risk Management) Writers and Reviewers: With 2 to 6 years of experience in authoring and reviewing of aggregate reports (DSURs, PSURs/ PBRERs, PADER etc). Experience in RMP updates and QCs would be an added advantage.

4. Clinical Trial Disclosure Writers and Reviewers: With around 2 - 4 years of experience in authoring /quality check of Clinical Trials Registration and Results (CTRR – protocol registry forms and results summaries) documents, lay summaries and review of redacted CSRs & summary documents.

Interested candidates can share their updated CV's on [email protected]
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