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1. Medical Coding
This is an upcoming in-demand field in the stream of Healthcare administration. The role of a medical coder is to extract the information from patients medical records and converts them to an industry-standard medical code, which is accepted universally. These codes are used usually to process claims with third party players and collect stats to track information of specific disease, treatment etc.

2.Pharmacovigilance (PV or PhV)
Pharmacovigilance officer may also be called a Drug safety officer. They are coarsely responsible for monitoring & reporting the effectiveness and adverse effects or side effects of any pharmaceutical products on the market in the common population in hospitals and research trials organizations.

3.Clinical research
Clinical researcher involves in the following activities like-
•Rational use of drugs
•Consultation related to selection of drug, dose, route, dosage form, schedule and duration
•To provide drug-related information like drug action, drug kinetics, drug interactions (drug-drug, food-drug etc.,)
•Special precautions & Contraindications
•Management of patients who are on multiple medications
•To monitor & ensure Drug safety & Adverse drug reaction (ADR)
•To initiate, co-ordinate and accomplish the task of forming our own drug formulary and to see that it is implemented (Hospital Drug Formulary)
•Monitoring audits, compliance and improvement
•Observe any medication error/s
•Suggestions to improve the quality of patient management like prescription, dispensing, administration of drugs & its outcome in various departments (according to organisational standards)
•To generate reports on different drug usages and its outcome.
•Initiating Quality improvement projects in medication safety

4.Research analyst in healthcare companies
Research Analysts conducts desk-based research which includes clinical, scientific, regulatory, commercial activities which are of high-importance topics and generate reports which incorporate critical & analytical thinking. They were expected to keep abreast of developments in their assigned therapeutic area/s and continuously assess the impact of any new events or findings.

5. Clinical pharmacologist
He/she involves in the following activities:
• Implement and amend Hospital Drug Formulary
• Daily ward rounds at the hospital
• Review records of patients to determine the correctness of medication therapy & advise on the appropriateness of administration of drugs
• Monitoring and detection of medication error and Adverse drug reaction
• Monitoring of Drug-Drug Interactions for ICU patients with Polypharmacy (multiple medication)
• Collaborate with healthcare professionals to ensure optimal patient care
• Incidence Reporting, Audit for storage and near expiry drugs & Prescription auditing
• Over viewing of Preparation of Chemotherapy drugs (drop calculations, stability chart etc.,).
• Preparing and amending ISO Pharmacy procedures like updating policies & monitoring its implementation
• Training for Pharmacists, RMOs and Nurses sometimes
• Synchronizing with infection control committee & monitoring of adherence to Antibiotic policy
• Any clinical query handling.
• Discharged Patient counselling (post-hospitalization)
• Support Medical Director on clinical pharmacology matters on a regular basis
• Support Pharmacy functions.

6. Retail Pharmacist
They involve in-
• Examination of prescriptions
• Dispensing medicines
• Daily stock checking
• OP & IP Pharmacy

7. Medical writing
It is the activity of producing scientific documentation by a specialized writer called as Medical writer. Typically he/she is not one of the scientists or doctors who performed the research. A medical writer, working with doctors, scientists & other subject matter experts will create documents that effectively and clearly describe research results,
product use & other medical related information. The medical writer also makes sure that the documents complies with standard regulatory guidelines in terms of content, design and structure.

8. Community Pharmacy:
A Community Pharmacy is a community-based pharmacy technician. The main responsibilities of a community pharmacy include appropriate procurement, storage,
dispensing & documentation of medicines.

In compliance with the vision of the community pharmacist as per the International Pharmaceutical Federation they should:
• Be the experts in pharmaceutical care, pharmacotherapy, and health promotion
• Act like professional communicators with patients, healthcare providers, & decision makers
• Deliver good quality in products, services, and communication
• Should be able to document their actions and make descriptions and publications.
9. Pharmacoeconomics:
It refers to the scientific discipline that compares the value of one pharmaceutical drug or drug therapy to another. It is a sub-discipline of Health economics. A pharmacoeconomic study evaluates the cost (expressed in monetary terms) and effects (expressed in terms of monetary value, efficacy or enhanced quality of life) of a pharmaceutical drug. We can distinguish several types of pharmacoeconomic evaluation by different techniques like cost-minimization analysis, cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis and cost-utility analysis. Pharmacoeconomics serves to guide optimal healthcare resource allocation in a standardized and scientifically grounded manner.

10. Faculty
Conducting Teaching programme for PharmD courses as per the prescribed curriculum.
11. Other jobs (govt.sector)
• Pharmacist
• Drug Inspector
• Drug Controller
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