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Dear Sir/Madam,
NGSM Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences under the patronage of Nitte (Deemed to be University) is delighted to announce the hosting of ICAPHS-2020, an International Conference on Advances in Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences from 20th to 22nd February 2020, Mangaluru under the theme: “Development of Interdisciplinary Research from a Global Perspective for Better Health Care”.
In the three day summit, besides stimulating lectures from eminent national and international speakers, we have allowed ample time for panel discussions, e-Poster and Oral presentations, Awards (Young Scientist, Women Scientist, Best Presentation and Travel Scholarship awards), collaborations and selected papers will be published in Indexed Journal.

Call for Abstracts:
 Pharmacology & Toxicology
 Patient Care and Outcomes Research
 Drug Discovery and Development
 Bioethics
 Omics Technology
 Food Science and Nutraceuticals
 Basic & Applied Sciences
 Ethno Pharmacology
 Formulation Development &
Technology Transfer
 Novel Drug Delivery Technology & Biotechnology
 Molecular Biology & Radiation Biology
 Regulatory Affairs for Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare Products

Important dates:
Abstract Submission Deadline: 15th December 2019
Acceptance Notification: 30th December 2019
Last Date for Early Bird Registration: 10th January 2020
Group Registrations: For every 10 Registrations, 01 will be free (Faculty / Student)

Abstract submission: Online Registration link: Further information please visit conference website:
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