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Theme: PV Regulations Across the World: Similarities and Differences

Date: November 6, 2020, Friday Time: 02:30-05:30 PM IST

Organized by ADR Monitoring Centre, MKCG Medical College & Hospital, Berhampur, Odisha, India . In Collaboration With National Coordination Centre -Pharmacovigilance Programme of India (PvPI) Indian Pharmacopeia Commission Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Govt. of India WHO-Collaborating Centre for Pharmacovigilance in Public Health Programmes and Regulatory Services

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Event Address: ADR Monitoring Centre, MKCG MCH, Berhampur, Odisha, India
Contact us at (+91) 9337504500 or [email protected]
Date: November 6th, 2020. Friday Time: 14:30- 17:30 (Indian standard time) (GMT +05:30)

Pharmacovigilance is crucial for patient safety. It is the responsibility of all of us to be cautious about adverse drug reactions(includes side effects).

Whether we are involved in developing, manufacturing, approving, prescribing, dispensing or consuming the medications as patients.

Everyone must be involved in reporting and contributing to the database of adverse drug reactions. This helps the regulatory agencies to take measures so that safer drugs are retained and harmful drugs are either cautioned or withdrawn from the market.

The PVPI with CDSCO is doing a great work in this regard in India Pharmacovigilance also helps us to understand the risk factors in the development of adverse drug reactions because the reactions are not seen in all.

Some drugs cause reactions only in the elderly, with co administered drugs or altered liver /kidney function. Such information helps physicians to personalize treatment and avoid using the harmful medications in those at risk

CMEs go a long way in building this awareness. Attend this program to update yourselves on the global regulations in pharmacovigilance conducted by experienced panelists and speakers
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