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The conference will have sessions focused on the following themes:

Greener Catalysts for Pharma Processes
Development of New Pharma strategies & technologies
Use of Continuous Micro Reactor Technologies
Biocatalysts & Bioprocesses
Process Development & Scale-Up for Pharmaceutical Products
Opportunities and Challenges in Biopharmaceutical
Development Advances in Quality Methods (QbD);
Impurity Profiling Regulatory challenges
Process Safety in the Scale-Up
IP landscape in API & Generic Industries

Some of the Speakers
Dr AKS Bhujanga Rao, Natco Pharma Ltd., Hyderabad
Dr Vaidyanathan Rajappa, Biocon BMS Research Centre, Banglore
Dr Premnath Shenoy, Astra Zeneca, Bangalore
Dr Vilas Dahunkar, Dr Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd., Hyderabad
Dr Kaptan Singh, Ranbaxy laboratories Ltd., Gurgaon
Dr Amol A Kulkarni, NCL, Pune
Dr Raghu V Palle, Biocon Ltd., Banglore
Dr M. V. Suryanarayana, Mylan Laboratories Ltd., Hyderabad
Dr Satish Nigam, Albany Molecular Research Inc., Hyderabad
Dr A. Veera Reddy, Suven Life Sciences, Hyderabad
Dr Rakeshwar Bandichor, Dr Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd., Hyderabad
Dr S. Padmaja, IproPat, Hyderabad
Dr Srinivas Oruganti, Dr Reddy’s Institute of Life Sciences, Hyderabad

Organizing Committee
Chief Patron: Dr. V.K. Subburaj, IAS, Secretary, DoP
Shri Sudhansh Pant, IAS, Joint Secretary, DoP
Dr. M. Ariz Ahammed, IAS,Joint Secretary, DoP
Dr. M. Lakshmi Kantam, Director, CSIR-IICT
Chairperson: Dr. Ahmed Kamal, Project Director, NIPER Hyderabad
Prof. N. Satyanarayana, Registrar
Dr. R. Srinivas
Dr. Y.V.D Nageswar
Dr. Srinivas Nanduri, Convener
Dr. B. Nagendra Babu, Co-convener
Dr. N. Shankaraiah, Co-convener
Dr. M.V.N Kumar Talluri
Dr. S. Gananadhamu
Dr. N. Satheesh Kumar
Dr.Ashutosh Kumar
Dr.V.G.M Naidu
Dr. Nalini Shastri
Dr. Wahid Khan

Guidelines for abstract submission: The entire text is to be in Times New Roman, with title of font size 14, bold capital letters, centered; Author(s), Name(s) in the 12 font size,presenting author name under lined: affiliation and address (include email) in the 12 font centered. Text is to be in Times New Roman, font size 12 with figure and refernce in one A4 size page (Single space justified). Text should not exceed 250 words.

Poster presentation : Poster size should be of IXI meter in dimension.

Important Dates
Registration & abstract submission starts on 1st March, 2015 Abstract submission deadline: 15th March, 2015 Abstracts to be sent to [email protected]

Registration: (1st March, 2015 to 15th March 2015)
Industry: Rs. 2,000
Academia: Rs. 1,000
Students: Rs. 500

Registrations resticted to 400 members only. No spot registrations.

Mode of Payment :The registration fee should be paid in the form of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of "NIPER Hyderabad" payable at Hyderabad. DD should be sent to the address of Conference Secretariat and an email of the DD scan copy to [email protected].

For further details conatact Dr, Srinivas Nanduri, Convener, IPBD - 2015 Ph No: 040-23073740 / 41 ; 040 23074750 (Ext. No: 2007)

Organised by,
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research
Dept, of Pharmaceuticals,
Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt, of India
Hyderabad - 500 037, India
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