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Prescription drug abuseand misuse is correctly becoming a topic of concern.To have a healthy discussion on its effects and possible preventions also the role of clinical pharmacist in the same,we the Department of Pharm.D from Bharat Institute Of technology(Pharmacy),Ibrahimpatnam, Hyderabad,for the first time are organising a one day workshop especially for Pharm.D, on MEDICINE ABUSE&MISUSE-CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS AND PREVENTIONS."
Eminent speakers like Dr. Praveen Kumaar Saxenaa MBBS (OSM), DMRD, FCMT, FACAM, FRCAM - (Radiologist,Clinical metal Toxicologist) & Dr.SUCHARITA-(Psychologist)"-from Roshni counselling centre, will be sharing their knowledge and practical experience on the drug abuse by patients and practitioners, its effects and preventions.Part of this workshop will also be the survey and current scenario of drug abuse.
Student from various colleges will be presenting oral&poster presentations relevant to the title best presenters will be awarded with prize money and certificates.
I request all the Pharm.D students,faculty members to be a part of this workshop,share their knowledge and help us make this event a successful one.
For more detailed information kindly look into the brochure attached.
Thankyou !
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