- 18 Jun 2020, 22:59
Dear Friends / Students,
Join us if you would like to know about Effective Literature Search and Critical Appraisal...
Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh organizing an Online "National Workshop on Critical Appraisal of Biomedical-Literature in Clinical Pharmacy" in association with Group Pharmaceuticals Ltd., IPA Education Division, and KRPA on this Saturday, 20th June 2020.
Find the brochure with a complete schedule and other details.
Please register for the morning session scheduled at 10.00 am by clicking on https://bit.ly/CHIPSLITERATURE
Please register for the afternoon session scheduled at 2.00 pm by clicking on https://bit.ly/CHIPSLITERATUREPart2
See you this Saturday virtually...

Join us if you would like to know about Effective Literature Search and Critical Appraisal...
Chebrolu Hanumaiah Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh organizing an Online "National Workshop on Critical Appraisal of Biomedical-Literature in Clinical Pharmacy" in association with Group Pharmaceuticals Ltd., IPA Education Division, and KRPA on this Saturday, 20th June 2020.
Find the brochure with a complete schedule and other details.
Please register for the morning session scheduled at 10.00 am by clicking on https://bit.ly/CHIPSLITERATURE
Please register for the afternoon session scheduled at 2.00 pm by clicking on https://bit.ly/CHIPSLITERATUREPart2
See you this Saturday virtually...