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The Pharma Vision 2020 is a charter organized by the 55th Indian pharmaceutical congress. The charter was inaugurated by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, to attain this vision one has to improve upon the production of drugs and its import. Preventive medicine needs to be encouraged to the maximum extent possible. Fields such as compliance monitoring to standardize SOP and vaccine production have to be recognized and supplemented.

India's pharmaceutical sector will touch US$ 45 billion by 2020, according to a major study by global management and consulting firm, McKinsey & Company. The report further states that the Indian pharmaceutical market will be the sixth largest in the world by 2020.

With all this, 2020 is not just a vision but should be the reality. In the year 2020, pharmacist and pharmaceutical scientist working within various discipline of pharmacy will be well established and recognized as the medicine expert and will be an expert in health promotion and disease prevention.
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