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Invite to participate the ICMR and JSS University sponsored Two Days National Symposium on “impact of emerging technology on Nanomedicine for Anti-reteroviral therapy” during 21-22 October 2016.

This symposium will provides dynamic, diverse and collegial environment for young investigators, industrial persons, scientists, researchers, faculty members, students etc. to expose their work through oral and poster presentations and to exchange their ideas with experts in the afore said areas which is absolutely necessary for further advancement in the respective areas. Eminent scientists and distinguished professors from reputed institutes, research labs, industries etc. will deliver lectures. Original Research papers are invited for oral/ poster presentations and author
guidelines for abstract are furnished in the enclosed brochure.

Hence, I request you to kindly circulate the brochure among your students, research scholars and faculty members and encourage them to participate and contribute for the success of this National Symposium.
2day symposium1 JSSCPO 211 22-10-16-1.jpg
2day symposium1 JSSCPO 211 22-10-16-1.jpg (324 KiB) Viewed 2763 times
2day symposium1 JSSCPO 211 22-10-16-2.jpg
2day symposium1 JSSCPO 211 22-10-16-2.jpg (409.59 KiB) Viewed 2763 times

Dr. V Senthil (Organizing secretory)
Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics,
JSS College of Pharmacy, Ootacamund,
Tamil Nadu. 643 001.
Mobile: +91 9488028280
email: [email protected], [email protected]
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