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*Greetings from the Virtual Malaysia Medical Device Expo 2021*

The *Virtual Malaysia Medical Device Expo 2021 (MYMEDEX)* Secretariat would like to invite you and your esteemed organisation to participate as delegates in the upcoming Virtual MYMEDEX Series 2, Combating COVID-19 : Vaccine Technologies. This series will emphasis on the hot topic of the vaccine and the technologies behind it. The series also aims to create awareness of the vaccination in order to create successfully herd community for better future.

Below are the details to the event:
Date : 8 April 2021
Day : Thursday
Time : 4.00PM Malaysian Time (GMT+8)
Platform : Zoom Meeting
Fee : Free

Why You Should Attend?🤔

📌 Gain valuable insights from international speakers and experts
📌Catch up with the latest trends, innovations and advancements in the medical industry.
📌Learn valuable experience shared by the key players in the industry.
📌 Discover cutting-edge healthcare, pharmaceutical and nutritional medical devices

Certificate of attendance will be given to all delegates who attend the event for the entire day.


For further enquiries:
📱: +6012-370 8767
✉️: [email protected]
Facebook : mymedex2021
Instagram : mymedex_

Thank you for your support.

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