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Comprehending healthcare professionals’ perspectives and expectations on drug information services at point-of-care: an online survey

In India, Drug Information Services (DIS) are well established in general medicine and its related point-of-care (POC) settings; however, there is a service gap and scope for expanding these services in other specialty units. In this context, it is important to understand the expectations of specialty care healthcare professionals (HCPs) on DIS for better outcomes.

To comprehend the perspectives and expectations of DIS among HCPs in India.

An online observational-based survey was conducted among the HCPs from 12 tertiary care hospitals across India. A 27-item questionnaire was developed using the CHERRIES checklist, which was validated for content and reliability, Cronbach's α = 0.7453 and Pearson's r = 0.69. Part A and Part B questions were constructed to comprehend the perceptions and expectations on DIS by the HCPs at the POC settings.

Sadagoban Gopal Krishnamoorthy, Samantha Sanjeev, Aiswarya Baiju, Ayilya Manomohan, Swathi Swaroopa Borra

Cite this:

Gopal Krishnamoorthy, S., Sanjeev, S., Baiju, A. et al. Comprehending healthcare professionals’ perspectives and expectations on drug information services at point-of-care: an online survey. Drugs Ther Perspect (2022).

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