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Pharmacies from across the country will remain closed from midnight September 27 to midnight September 28. The nationwide protest is aimed at highlighting the repercussions of online pharmacy initiative and educate policymakers on its dangers.

Around 8.5 lakh chemists are facing livelihood risk due to online pharmacy," said Rajiv Singhal, general secretary, The All-India Organisation of Chemists and Druggists (AIOCD).

More for The health ministry recently rolled out draft rules to regulate online sale of medicines, giving e-pharmacies an approval to operate legally. While online pharmacies are expected to bring down prices of medicines by 15-30% by saving on supply chain costs, they pose a serious threat to the business of traditional brick and mortar stores who are reeling under pressure of trade margin regulation. Under the Drug Price Control Order - which governs prices of medicines in the country - chemists can earn up to 16% margin on medicines.

Read more at: ... 726777.cms
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