PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

Stay up-to-date with the latest news and developments in the pharmaceutical industry on PharmD Info. Our forum offers insights, updates, and discussions on current events, research, and breakthroughs in the field.
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As you know, the pharmacists are expertise in various pharmaceutical sectors and working as hospital, clinical, industrial and community pharmacists.

Also, Pharmacists are working as experts in marketing, pharmacovigilance or drug safety, Clinical Research and Development (CRO's), Regulatory and production and manufacturing of drugs and drug related products.

In this context, We (PharmD Info), trying to unite all the pharma related experts under a single platform to have meaningful forum discussions within their specialties. We are proud to say that this is an only Indian website which offers dedicated discussion forum for pharmacy professionals with advanced customized features.

All specialties will get dedicated forums and groups with customized permissions that will help the group members to interact with other peer group members to understand their professional experience etc.

What are the features of Pharma Specialty Forums?

- Dedicated forum thread will be assigned for discussions

- Forum Moderators will be selected from the Team Itself

- Customized permissions will be provided for the members and moderators.

- Only the committed specialty group related notifications will be sent to the members

How to Join PharmD Info - Pharma Specialty Groups?

1. Use should be registered member of PharmD Info - Forum - Note: Register through your Social Network Account

For registration, follow this link - Register Here

2. After your successful registration, check your User Control Panel

You can Visit Your UCP after Login - Click Here

3. Find your group from the listed memberships and select Join the Group and SUBMIT

Once, you requested, the moderator will be added you in to the group. Once added then in the UCP you can select your group as default group by accessing your UCP.

PharmD Info - Pharma Specialty Groups?

At present, we have made specific forums and groups (Teams), interested members can join in any of the groups and the team moderators will provide the approval based on your profile and other relevant information.

Clinical Pharmacist Forum

Forum Link- Click Here
Group Link- Click Here

Community Pharmacist Forum

Forum Link- Click Here
Group Link- Click Here

Industrial Pharmacist Forum

Forum Link- Click Here
Group Link- Click Here

Hospital Pharmacist Forum

Forum Link- Click Here
Group Link - Click Here

Moderator ship will be given based on the level of experience in the field of an achievement. Allotment of moderators is depended on the number of members who joined in the group. Example : For 25 members, one moderator will be considered. So, according to the group strength, the moderators numbers will be increased.

We seek your support and co operation in this regard. Thank You
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