PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

Research funding schemes, UGC Approved Journals, Project Protocols, Clinical Study Designs, Clinical Trails Registry and Regulation, Biostatistics Forum.
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Candidates must first contact a faculty member in the Institute who is willing to host the candidate. A consent letter or consent email is required from the faculty member as a part of the application package. Candidates should apply using the fillable PDF form. The following documents are required along with the application.

(A) Curriculum Vitae with a list of all publications

(B) PDF files of at least two and up to five important publications

(C) Proposed research plan (up to 500 words)

(D) Consent letter or email from faculty member. Please get in touch with the faculty member offline and obtain the consent of the faculty member for hosting you

(E) Any other relevant information the applicant may like to furnish

The filled-out PDF form must be saved as a PDF file, and a single PDF file needs to be made along with the required documents. This single PDF file must be emailed to the Registrar, Indian Institute of Science at the email address: [email protected], with a copy to the chair of the Department/Centre in which the candidate would like to work and to the faculty memberwho is willing to host the candidate.

For any further information related to this , please contact:The Registrar, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore – 560 012. Email: [email protected]; Fax: +91-80-23600757; Phone: +91-80-22932444.

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