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Note: Only clinical pharmacists who are presently employed in India are requested to participate in this survey.

This study aims to assess the current status of the clinical pharmacy services provided in Indian Hospitals through the survey among pharmacists providing direct patient care services. In this regard, you will be asked a series of questions about the current practice of clinical pharmacy at the healthcare facility where you work. Please only provide information that reflects actual practice rather than desired or planned practice.

Questions in this survey cover two broad themes, and these included an overview of the hospital & clinical pharmacy department and pharmaceutical care services provided.

It may take maximum 7 minutes to complete this survey. The findings from the survey will potentially showcase the professional status of clinical pharmacists and benchmarking pharmaceutical services offered at Indian hospitals.


This poll will gather no personally identifying information. The survey responses are anonymous and will be saved on a secure server. Access to replies will be restricted to the researchers working in this project.

Statement of consent

By taking this survey, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the information provided above and that you wish to participate.

Note: We invite only the real-time practicing pharmacist at hospital level. This survey is not meant for any pharmacy interns and students who involved in training and its related practice.

*Project Members: *

Dr. Arun K.P. M.Pharm.Ph.D
Dr. Sadagoban G.K. PharmD
Dr.Swathi Swaroopa B, PharmD
Ms. Mithila Patankar PharmD Student
Mr. Naghul Adhithya K S PharmD Student

JSS College of Pharmacy,
Department of Pharmacy Practice
Rocklands – Ooty

For queries, you can mail @ [email protected]
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