PharmD Info

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Hi all,

I want to ask for a favour from you. One of my students is conducting a Global Survey to identify various factors influencing the decision to use Computer-Based Simulations in pharmacy practice education. We are seeking your assistance to promote awareness and participation in our project. The research is individually designed as online international surveys, and we are looking for input from pharmacy students and educators. This study asks for input from different stakeholders (such as students and educators) on perceptions, needs and views regarding computer-based simulation. Understanding and assessing each stakeholder's opinions will help develop a better strategy for more efficient implementation and uptake of these innovative training tools.

An information sheet can be accessed from the survey page, and it is expected that the survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. As a token of appreciation, we offer 20 X $50 (AUD) virtual gift cards for the survey participants (students x10 and educators x10). You will be invited to enter a prize draw for your chance to win a gift card at the end of the survey.

Title: Understanding barriers and facilitators impacting the integration of computer-based simulation in pharmacy practice education

We have got two surveys to share (see attached advert).

1. Please promote this online survey to Pharmacy Students:

2. Please promote this online survey to Pharmacy Educators:

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further clarification regarding the project. Also, we would appreciate if you could share this post with anyone who might be interested in taking part.

Kind regards,
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