PharmD Info

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Amrita School of Pharmacy offers Ph. D. degree in various areas of drug research. Topics related to Pharmacy Practice, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Herbal Drugs, Quality Control, Nanotechnology, and other aspects of Pharmaceutical Sciences are some of the areas of interest of the Ph. D. program.

The students who have completed M. Pharm. from PCI & AICTE approved institutions and who are eligible for student fellowships like Inspire (DST), CSIR etc. can apply for the Ph. D. program at any time by sending an application by email.

The application will be considered and admissions are usually done twice in an academic year. The students admitted for Ph. D. will have to comply with the requirements of the Ph. D. as per Amrita University and UGC guidelines.

For further information pls follow the link... ... l-sciences
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