PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

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Dear Sir / Madam

Greetings from Dept. of Pharmacy Practice, JSS CoP, Ooty.

We are very happy to inform yourself that Dept. of Pharmacy Practice is organizing Two Weeks Quality Improvement Program on Biomedical Communications and Biostatistics Applications between 13 - 25th March 2017.

The purpose and aim of this program is to provide an ideal platform for interaction, debate, fusion, dissemination of ideas and networking of Pharmacy professionals in biomedical literature evaluation/communication and biostatistics application.

Herewith I am attaching the QIP brochure for your reference. I also request you all to circulate among your professional colleagues for wider publicity of the event.

Thanking you

With sincere regards

On behalf of the Dept. of Pharmacy Practice
Dr Sivasankaran PONNUSANKAR
Professor & Head
Dept. of Pharmacy Practice
JSS College of Pharmacy
Ooty - 643 001. The Nilgiris. Tamilnadu, INDIA
Hand Phone: +91-9489613428
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