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The University Grants Commission (UGC) has entrusted the responsibility of conducting UGC-NET to NTA. UGC-NET is a test to determine the eligibility of Indian nationals for ‘Assistant Professor’ and ‘Junior Research Fellowship and Assistant Professor’ in Indian universities and colleges.

Mode of Examination - Computer Based Test (CBT)

The pattern of Examination - The Test will consist of two papers. Both the papers will consist of objective type, multiple-choice questions. There will be no break between papers.

Examination Centre (Cities) of UGC-NET June 2020 - The Centres (Cities) where the Test shall be conducted are given at Annexure-I

Subject and Syllabus of Test- Click Here

Schedule of Examination


Eligibility Criteria - Candidates who are pursuing their Master’s degree or equivalent course or candidates who have appeared for their qualifying Master’s degree (final year) examination and whose result is still awaited or candidates whose qualifying
examinations have been delayed may also apply for this test.

Fee Details and Important Dates - Check the attached File

Get the Complete Details of UGC-NET June 2020 Examination - Download Here
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