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Plagiarism is the most common issue that every academic writer faces while writing their research paper or dissertation. The famous plagiarism checking tools such as Duplichecker and Turnitin are classifying the plagiarisms into 10 common types before generating the report. In this article, we are going to find out the 10 types of plagiarism that every academic writer should know to avoid it.

1. “Clone” – Plagiarism

Cloning plagiarism is also called identical copying. In Cloning, one person copies another work (word-for-word) without any change and claim as his own work.

2. “Remix” – Plagiarism

In the remix type of plagiarism, one person collects information from various sources and mix all together as a single document then claim the work as their own work.

3. “Ctrl+C” – Plagiarism

In the written document a significant portion of text copied from any single source without any alteration then it is called Ctrl+C kind of plagiarism.

4. “Hybrid” – Plagiarism

In the hybrid type of plagiarism, Perfectly cited source documents are copied and arranged as a new document without citation.

5. “Find-Replace” – Plagiarism

Changing the most common keywords and phrases in the copied content and not making any changes in the essential document is called “Find and Replace” – kind of plagiarism.

6. “Recycle” – Plagiarism

Recycle is also called self-plagiarism. It refers to the act of borrowing from one’s own previous document without a proper citation.

7. “Mashup” – Plagiarism

When the written document is copied from more than one source and all are mixed together without any proper citation then it is called mashup kind of plagiarism

8. “404 Error” – Plagiarism

“404 Error” – plagiarism is the eight most important type. In this, a person creates a document by coping from various sources and prepare as a single document with the citation. but if the citation is inaccurate or it will lead to non-existing resources then it will be called 404 types of plagiarism.

9. “Aggregator” – Plagiarism

In this type of plagiarism, the written document includes all the proper citation but it does not contain original work then it is called aggregator plagiarism.

10. “Re-Tweet” – Plagiarism

If all the written document seems perfect with properly cited mark but still the document resembles somewhere the original text’s structure or wordings then it is called Re-Tweet plagiarism.

Tips to Avoid Plagiarism

  • Read and understand the original document several times before start explaining about it.
  • Do not copy any word or sentencefrom the original document.
  • Give proper citation to all the sources(Books, Journal, Website, Video, and so on).
  • In case of citing online sources, Include the accessed date and appropriate URL in the reference.
  • Common phrases and definition need to be quoted and cited without any modification.
  • Make a practice to include the “references” section whenever write an academic document.
  • Cross verify all your citations before submitting your document.

Finally, take a plagiarism report from any one of the famous plagiarism software to ensure the originality of the written document.
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Last bumped by Admin on 14 Sep 2019, 08:09.
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