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List of Databases - Pharmacy

Web of Science

Web of Science is the world’s most trusted publisher-independent global citation database. Connecting research across the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities from journals, books and conference proceedings. Web of Science Core Collection provides cover-to-cover indexing back to 1900 across the world’s highest-quality and most impactful publications. Institution can select specific subscription databases like Incites JCR, Conference proceedings citation index, Science edition and Science citation index expanded.


Scopus is one of the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the field of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research. Scopus has 66 million records dating back to 1823, 72% of these containing references dating from 1996. It covers over 22,748 peer-reviewed journals, 558 book serials, 320 trade journals, 7.7 Million conference papers & 28 Million Patents.

Elsevier Pharmacy journals

It is an online package of 70 journals in the field of Pharmaceutical sciences published by Elsevier, a leading provider of science and health information. Full text of articles can be accessed through this database from Science Direct platform.

Bentham Pharmacy journals

It is an online package of 23 journals in the field of Pharmaceutical sciences published by Bentham Science. Full text of articles, especially in the field of Pharmaceutical chemistry, can be accessed through this database


It is a full text clinical search engine which includes

▪ ALL Elsevier medical and surgical journals (over 600)

▪ Selected third-party journals and content sources

▪ ALL Elsevier medical and surgical reference books (over 1000)

▪ ALL medical and surgical clinics of North America

▪ ALL First Consult point-of-care clinical monographs

▪ ALL Procedures Consult content and associated videos

▪ ALL Clinical Pharmacology drug monographs from Gold Standard

▪ ALL Elsevier medical and surgical videos (over 17,000+)

▪ Millions of medical and surgical images

▪ Over 4500 Practice Guidelines

EBSCO Pharmacy

It is an online database that covers 942 journals in the field of pharmaceutical science and allied science like toxicology, medicine, environmental sciences etc. It provides access to about 700 full text journals, 125 magazines and trade publications and abstracts from 100 journals.

Medicines Complete

It is a trusted and world-leading resource from Pharmaceutical Press to support Continuing Professional Development. It delivers expert knowledge on drugs and medicines, helping pharmacists make the best clinical decisions for patient care. Rapid search of over 600,000 pages of evidence-based drug information can be done. Medicines Complete offers tailored packages to suit our exact needs, whether we are an individual or looking for a subscription for our entire organization. Institution package covers 09 information sources namely British National Formulary (BNF), Martindale, AHFS, Stockley’s Drug Interactions, Handbook on injectable drugs, Clarke’s isolation of drugs, Pharmaceutical excipients and BNFC

Micromedex clinical knowledge suite

Micromedex is one of the largest online reference databases for drug information. Micromedex facilitates evidence based decision-making in the areas of drug selection, disease and condition management, toxicology and alternative medicine. It addresses specific questions such as dosing and IV compatibility.

Access Pharmacy & Access Medicine

McGraw-Hill Medical has designed Access Pharmacy and Access Medicine to meet the changing demands of pharmacy education and practice today. Updated regularly and optimized for viewing on any device, this comprehensive, content-rich online pharmacy resource allows users to explore leading pharmacy references, search curriculum topics, research drugs and supplements.

They provide unique benefits that deliver indispensable support in pharmacy education and actual practice – through their exclusive interactive features such as leading pharmacy/medical textbooks, Drug therapy cases, Extensive self-assessment Q/A, Access Pharmacy Flashcards, topics in Evidence-Based Pharmacy Practice and Integrated drug.


It has been established with the prime objective of promoting resource sharing among the libraries through the development of a network of libraries in India. It has contributed a lot towards the modernization of libraries in India. DELNET provides access to over 200 journals in the field of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences.

List of Journals - Pharmacy

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