- 06 Jan 2019, 22:00
UGC removed the names of 4,305 journals from its list of accredited titles
The University Grants Commission (UGC) had published an original list of accredited titles in January 2017, saying that only papers published in these journals would count against an academic’s performance in judging their suitability for career advancement.
However, on March 22, 2018 a study conducted by A team led by Professor Bhushan Patwardhan from the Savitribai Phule Pune University found that 88% of journals in the UGC's white list are predatory.
These instances have come to light with the UGC bringing out its list of 4,305 ‘removed’ publications after “complaints about inclusion of poor-quality or questionable journals”.
Hence on May 3, 2018 (Yesterday) the UGC removed the names of 4,305 journals from its list of accredited titles, saying they have been found to be “of poor quality”, providing “incorrect/insufficient information” about themselves or for making “false claims”.
The list of excluded titles has been split into two tables: one listing journals removed from the Indian Citations Index (ICI) and the other, the list of journals recommended by various universities. The UGC also noted that 191 more journals had been suspended from the ICI and that they would have to be reevaluated.
This list includes more than 75 Pharmacy Journals
The University Grants Commission (UGC) had published an original list of accredited titles in January 2017, saying that only papers published in these journals would count against an academic’s performance in judging their suitability for career advancement.
However, on March 22, 2018 a study conducted by A team led by Professor Bhushan Patwardhan from the Savitribai Phule Pune University found that 88% of journals in the UGC's white list are predatory.
These instances have come to light with the UGC bringing out its list of 4,305 ‘removed’ publications after “complaints about inclusion of poor-quality or questionable journals”.
Hence on May 3, 2018 (Yesterday) the UGC removed the names of 4,305 journals from its list of accredited titles, saying they have been found to be “of poor quality”, providing “incorrect/insufficient information” about themselves or for making “false claims”.
The list of excluded titles has been split into two tables: one listing journals removed from the Indian Citations Index (ICI) and the other, the list of journals recommended by various universities. The UGC also noted that 191 more journals had been suspended from the ICI and that they would have to be reevaluated.
This list includes more than 75 Pharmacy Journals
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Last bumped by Admin on 06 Jan 2019, 22:00.