PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

Free Online Pharmacy Courses from OpenWHO, Uppsala, John Hopkins, Swayam, NPTEL in Pharmacy Practice, Pharmaceutics, Regulatory etc.

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Main features of new VigiFlow

1. Compatible with updated international standards (ICHE2B(R3))
MedDRA is the medical terminology

2.Improved data entry options for ADR and AEFI reports
e.g. enter multiple dosage info for same drug or vaccine

3. Possible to capture 25 AEFI core variables
Captures results from 3 causality assessment methods:

4. WHO-UMC causality; Naranjo; WHO AEFI
Direct access to VigiLyze

Here you will find the latest training materials in different languages designed by the UMC to guide you through all the functionality of the updated VigiFlow. ... r-package/
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Last bumped by Admin on 01 Nov 2019, 16:11.
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