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Fellowship Programme for Young Scientists

The Human Resource Development Scheme of the Department of Health Research focuses on the creation of a cadre of trained medical or health researchers in specific identified priority areas of health research, including clinical trials, toxicology, biotechnology, stem cells, genetics.

As part of this scheme, the fellowship programme for Young Scientists offers opportunities to young researchers to work in cutting edge areas of health research.


Students pursuing a postgraduate degree such as MD/ MS/ MDS/ MBBS/ MPharma/ MTech/ MSc or PhD with a good academic record

Age limits: 35 years for Category A; 30 years for Category B, calculated on the date of submission of the application


Category A — Fellows who hold MD/ MS/ MDS/ or PhD in bio-medical sciences
Stipend of ₹70,000 per month for Medical applicants Stipend of ₹60,000 per month for Non-medical applicants Contingency grant up to ₹10 lakhs per year

Category B — Fellow who are MBBS/BDS/ MVSc Or MSc in bio-medical sciences and having at least 2 years' working experience in bio-medical field
Stipend of ₹55,000 per month for Medical applicants
Stipend of ₹50,000 per month for Non-medical applicants
Contingency grant up to Rs 10 lakhs per year


The fellowship will be awarded on a year-to-year basis, not exceeding three years, based on satisfactory progress and research output.


Applications can be submitted online throughout the year.

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