PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

Pharmacy Research Grants and Funding Agency Details for Getting National and International Scholarships, Fellowship, Travel Grants for PhD and Post Docs etc.
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Research Associateship (CSIR)

The CSIR- Research Associateship supports bright young men and women for training in methods of research under the expert guidance of faculty members/ scientists working in University Departments/ Institutes of National Importance/National Laboratories and Institutes of CSIR in various fields of Science & Technology and Medical Sciences.


• The CSIR Fellowships/Associateships are tenable in India. Only bona fide Indian citizens residing in India are eligible for the award of research Fellowship/Associateships.

• Candidates with PhD (in any science or engineering subject) or MD/ MS/ MDS (in any medical science subject) or ME/ MTech/ MPharm/ MVSc with three years R&D experience as on the last date of application, evidenced from RAship or from date of registration of PhD.

• Candidates who have submitted PhD thesis (science/ engineering) are also eligible for Research Associateship. Selection in such cases will be subject to the condition that PhD viva-voce will be done and the candidate be either declared qualified for award of PhD or awarded PhD degree, before the expiry of the validity of the award offer.

• The candidate applying for Research Associateship must have at least one research publication in a standard refereed journal as listed in Journal Citation Reports (JCR).

• The upper age limit for applying for award of RA is 35 years. The upper age limit can be relaxed up to 5 years in the case of applicants belonging to scheduled castes/scheduled tribes, physically handicapped and women applicants, and 3 years in case of OBC.


• The consolidated stipend of RA will be one of the following:

₹47,000 (fixed) or ₹49,000 (fixed) or ₹54,000 (fixed)

• An annual contingency grant of ₹20,000 per associate provided to the host University/Institution

• Stipend normally is fixed at ₹47,000, but selected RAs may be provided a higher stipend
upon ample justification and recommendation from discipline wise Selection Committee with approval from the DG, CSIR

The total tenure of RA is three years.

Applications are invited once a year and close during the month of July/August.

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