PharmD Info

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Pharmacy Research Grants and Funding Agency Details for Getting National and International Scholarships, Fellowship, Travel Grants for PhD and Post Docs etc.
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Postdoc Fellowship -Research Associateship Program (DBT)

The DBT Research Associateship program, coordinated by the Indian Institute of Science, Banga- lore, aims to train post-doctoral students in frontier areas of research in biotechnology and life sciences at premier institutions in India.


• Applicants should hold a PhD degree in Science, Engineering or MD/MS degree in any area of medicine with a good academic record, and have research interests in biotechnology and life sciences.

• Applicants who have already submitted the PhD/MD/MS thesis, are also eligible to apply.

• Applicants should preferably be below the age of 40 years, and 45 years in case of women candidates.

• Persons already employed are also eligible to apply. However, their applications should be routed through their employers.


• Stipend in the range of ₹47,000–54,000 per month
• Research contingency grant of ₹50,000 per year, payable to the host institution
• HRA (8%–24% depending on the city)
• Other benefits as per the GOI guidelines applicable to research fellowship/associateships


The fellowship is initially awarded for a period of two years and support can be extended for 1–2 years based on review of progress.


Applications are invited twice a year. Advertisements are released in national English newspapers, including in the North East, in the months of February and August every year.

Website ... a-program/#
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