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TWAS-NRF Doctoral Programme

The NRF-TWAS Doctoral Fellowships are provided by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India and South Africa’s National Research Foundation (NRF), in partnership with The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) to advance science in developing countries. The NRF- TWAS Doctoral Fellowships are awarded to scientists from developing countries other than South Africa to enable them to pursue PhD research in the natural sciences in research institutions in South Africa.


Candidates must be citizens or permanent residents of a developing country other than
South Africa.

Candidates must have obtained a minimum of 65% at the Master’s level.

Must register at a South African public university in the year when the fellow- ship begins, on a full-time basis and may be based at any South African public research institution including Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), Science Councils and National Research Facilities.

Candidates must not be living, studying or working in South Africa or any developed country.

Applicants who were previously employed or studying towards a degree, or undertaking research in South Africa, and have returned to their country of origin, but have been in their country of origin for less than 2 years, are not eligible to apply.

The Age limit is 32 years.


TWAS-NRF will provide Partial Cost of Study (PCS) funding which only cover tuition fees, accom- modation costs with travel to and from South Africa.


TWAS-NRF Doctoral Fellowships are tenable at research institutions in South Africa for a maxi- mum period of three years.


The application opens once a year.

Website ... -programme
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