- 29 Nov 2016, 20:07
In the Budget speech 2016-2017, the Union Finance Minister announced the launch of a National Dialysis Program under Public Private Partnership at District Hospitals. Every year about 2.2 Lakh new patients of End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) get added in India resulting in additional demand for 3.4 Crore dialysis every year. High cost of Dialysis care leads to financial catastrophe for practically all families with such patients. With substantial gain in quality of life and extension of progression free survival for patients, families continue to stretch financially to make large out of pocket spends. It has been felt that both in terms of provision of this important life saving procedure close to the community and also for reducing impoverishment on account of out of pocket expenditure for patients, a Dialysis program is required.
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare with technical support from National Health Systems Resource Centre has prepared a brief program introduction along with model tender documents. I urge all States/UTs to incorporate this important program under the National Health Mission
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare with technical support from National Health Systems Resource Centre has prepared a brief program introduction along with model tender documents. I urge all States/UTs to incorporate this important program under the National Health Mission
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