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Dengue virus was isolated in India for the first time in 1945. The first evidence of occurrence of dengue fever in the country was reported in 1956 from Vellore district in Tamil Nadu. The first dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) outbreak occurred in Calcutta (West Bengal) in 1963.

Recurring outbreaks of dengue fever(DF)/DHF have been reported from various states/ UTs—Andhra Pradesh, Chandigarh, Delhi, Goa, Haryana, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra,Rajasthan,UttarPradesh,Puducherry,Punjab,TamilNaduandWestBengal.
During 1996, one of the most severe outbreaks of DF/DHF occurred in Delhi, with 10 252 cases and 423 deaths being reported (country total being 16 517 cases and 545 deaths). In 2006,thecountrywitnessedanoutbreakofDF/DHFwith12317casesand184deaths.

The incidence of dengue is increasing in the last few years. During 2010, a total of 28 292 cases were reported, which increased to 50 222 in 2012 and 75 808 in 2013 – the highest since 1991. The case fatality ratio (CFR – deaths per 100 cases) has declined from 3.3% in 1996 to 0.4% in 2010 after the national guidelines on clinical management of DF/DHF/dengue shock syndrome (DSS) were developed and circulated in 2007. This further declined to 0.3%in 2013.
Every year, during the period July–November, an upsurge in the cases of dengue/DHF has been observed. The disease has a seasonal pattern; the cases peak after the monsoons and are not uniformly distributed throughout the year. However, the states in the southern and western parts of the country report perennial transmission
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