PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

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Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) recommended vaccine for children.

1. Influenza Vaccine
2. Meningococcal Vaccine
3. JE (Japanese Encephalitis) Vaccine
4. Cholera Vaccine
5. Rabies Vaccine
6. Yellow F
ever Vaccine
7. Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine (PPSV 23)


1. Mother & Father’s Love & Care is most essential for basics.
2. Immunization is recommended to protect your child from certain infections disease
3. Vaccines can be given in the presence of a minor illness


1. HepB (birth dose) : Administration to all new born before hospital discharge
2. OPV in place of IPV, If PVC is unaffordable / unavailable
3. Addition doses of OPV on all SIA’s
4. Rotavirus : 2 doses of RV-1 (Rotarix) & 3 doses of RV-5 (Rotateq)
5. Typhoid : Re vaccination every 3 years
6. TdaP preferred toTd, followed by repeat every 10 years
7. HPV Vaccine : HPV4 (Gardasil) – 0, 2, 6 Months (or) HPV2 (Cervarix) – 0, 1, 6 Months is recommended in a 3 doses only for females.

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