- 20 Dec 2017, 08:21
Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) later extended to the practical examination (OSPE) described in 1975 and in greater detail in 1979 by Harden and his group from Dundee.
Ananthakrishnan N. Objective structured clinical/practical examination (OSCE/OSPE). J Postgrad Med [serial online] 1993 [cited 2017 Sep 12];39:82. Available from: http://www.jpgmonline.com/text.asp?1993/39/2/82/628
OSCE is an assessment tool in which the components of clinical competence such as history taking, physical examination, simple procedures, interpretation of lab results, patient management problems, communication, attitude etc. are tested using agreed check lists and rotating the student round a number of stations some which have observers with cheek lists.Where as,
The Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE) can assess practical competencies in an appropriate, step-wise, methodical, objective and time-orientated manner with direct observation of the student’s performance during planned clinical test stations.OSTE is defined as follows,
objective structured teaching exercise (OSTE) is a high-fidelity training method for advancing the teaching and interpersonal communication skills of faculty members and preceptors.
Ananthakrishnan N. Objective structured clinical/practical examination (OSCE/OSPE). J Postgrad Med [serial online] 1993 [cited 2017 Sep 12];39:82. Available from: http://www.jpgmonline.com/text.asp?1993/39/2/82/628
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