PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

After PharmD, MS programs, Ph.D., Fellowship programs, foreign pharmacist licensure examinations like IELTS, TCQR Process, OSPAP, FPGEE and etc
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Qualification: Pharm.D (After 10+2)

Qualifying Degree / Examination: 6 years program, consisting of internship or residency training during sixth year

Description of Eligible Candidates: Currently in the 4th/ 5th/6th year or already completed

Year of Qualification not later than: 2019

To apply for Pharm.D GATE 2019 Examination
PharmD GATE may be beneficial for these purposes

1. Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) have been using the GATE score in their recruitment process.

2. May be for scholarship/assistantship, the GATE qualification is mandatory. ( MHRD)

Check the brochure to know more about it: ... sp=sharing
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