PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

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(1) After registration and online payment (step 01)*when candidate re-login for uploading photo, signature and other details *(step 02)*the site again ask for payment. *Solution: Wait for some time till ur payment details get updated on their server.

(2) Candidate opting for offline payment and depositing amount in the bank faces similar problem mentioned in No.1. Solution: Email the transaction details of bank challan and also scanned challan to aicte (email:[email protected]). Wait till ur payment gets updated.

(3) While uploading photo or signature the site shows an error message. solution Reduce the image size as per guidelines (scanned photo should be 140×160 pixels or not more than 60kb. And scanned signature should be 60×90 pixel or not more than 30kb). (Helpline nos of AICTE GPAT ARE: +91-8429996897, 9453827201 & 9453827203)
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