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Dear all,

Greetings from Department of Pharmacy Practice!!!

Hope you all knew that the first 'Summer School of Ooty on Applied Pharmacokinetics' was successfully organized in 2015 (SOAP-2015) and there was a overwhelming response form the participants. Though we thought of restricting the registrations to only 20, we had 29 participants. Similarly, though we said the registration was only for external candidates, we could not avoid the requests of 5 internal candidates last year. All these success would have not been possible without your kind support and wishes. Our sincere thanks to all your goodselves for the same.

The success of SOAP-2015, encouraged us to organize SOAP-2016 and the brochure for the same is attached herewith. The program is scheduled from 20th to 25th of June, 2016, last date for registration is 10th June, 2016 and as usual NO REGISTRATION FEE.

I have also attached a FLYER as a picture, which you can post in your Facebook / Whats-app pages.

Our sincere thanks and appreciations in advance.

Dr. ARUN K P, M. Pharm, PhD.,
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacy Practice
JSS College of Pharmacy
Post Box No:20
Ooty - 643 001, The Nilgiris
Tamil Nadu, INDIA

H/P: +91-9994934663
Resi: +91-423-2444343
Office:+91-423-2443393 Extn: 228
Fax: +91-423-2442937
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