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Topic: Present Day Drift in Pharmacy Practice

Description: CMR College of Pharmacy is conducting a two-day webinar on "Present Day Drift in Pharmacy Practice".

Day 1: 06 July 2020, 10:30 AM

Speaker: Dr. G K Sadagoban Pharm D, JSS College of pharmacy, Ooty, JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research

Topic: Clinical Pharmacy service - An overview

Day 2: 07 July 2020, 10:30 AM

Speaker: Mr Sushanta Kr. Das M. Pharm (Ph.D)

Topic: Pharm D Hospital Training: A step towards better patients outcome

Register in advance for this meeting: ... By5SAAHsat

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Dear Sir/Madam,

During this global crisis, we faculty of Pharm.D of CMRCP, wish you all a happy and safe stay at Home.

CMR College of Pharmacy, is inviting for a 2-day Webinar entitled ‘Present Day Drift in Pharmacy Practice' On 6th and 7th July 2020.

Who can enroll: Faculty Members of Pharmacy, Research Scholars, M. Pharm, Pharm. D & B.Pharm students and Healthcare Professionals.

e-certificate : Participants who attended both the sessions will be awarded with e certificate.

Watch the You tube LIVE Stream :

For more details about our college visit CMR College of Pharmacy Website:
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