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Women constitute an important section of the workforce. However, the present situation of a large number of well-qualified women scientists who due to various circumstances have been left out of the S&T activities needs to be addressed. The problems faced are several but, significantly, most often the "break in their careers" arises out of motherhood and family responsibilities. The option for revival of their profession is presently unavailable due to restrictions in age and qualification and no system at present addresses these issues.

The "Women Scientists Scheme (WOS)" has been evolved in this context, by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) for providing opportunities to women scientists and technologists between the age group of 30-50 years who desire to return to mainstream science and work as bench-level scientists. Through this endeavour of the Department, a concerted effort would be made to give women a strong foothold into the scientific profession, help them re-enter into the mainstream and provide a launch pad for further forays into the field of science and technology, both from the point of view of pure science and its application to societal development.

Under this scheme, women scientists are being encouraged to pursue research in frontier areas of science and engineering, on problems of societal relevance and to take up S&T-based internship followed by self-employment.

Category of Scholarships

Three categories of scholarships, with research grants, are available for Indian citizen. Scholarships are envisaged in both institutional and non-institutional modes. Under the institutional mode, national and state-level organizations, recognized universities, educations and R&D laboratories would be considered for grant by the Department.

S&T - based Non-Government, Voluntary and Non-Profit organisation, working on societal issues and having the legal status of a registered society would be considered under the non-institutional mode,

The various categories of Scholarship available are indicated below:

Scholarship for Research in Basic/Applied Science (WOS-A)
Scholarship for Research in S&T - based Societal Programs (WOS-B)
Internship for the Self-Employment (WOS-C)
The scheme is meant to encourage women candidates, preferably those having a break in career and not having regular employment. Qualification for the scholarships are as follows

Women Scientists Scheme (WOS-A):

The 'Women Scientists Scheme (WOS-A)' of the Department of Science and Technology is aimed to provide opportunities to women scientists and technologists for pursuing research in basic or applied sciences in frontier areas of science and engineering. A special provision has been made under this Scheme to encourage those women scientists who have had break-in-career. It will provide a launch pad for them to return to mainstream science and work as bench-level scientists in the field of science and technology.

For Online Submission of WOS-A Proposals -

The 'Women Scientists Scheme (WOS-A)' of the Department of Science and Technology is aimed to provide opportunities to women scientists and technologists for pursuing research in basic or applied sciences in frontier areas of science and engineering. A special provision has been made under this Scheme to encourage those women scientists who have had breaks in their careers. It will provide a launch pad for them up to the age of 50 years to return to mainstream science and work as bench-level scientists in the field of science and technology.

Scientific Disciplines: The scholarships have been instituted in the following subject areas : (1) Physical Science; (2) Chemical Science; (3) Mathematical Science; (4) Life sciences; (5) Earth Sciences; (6) Atmospheric Sciences; (7) Engineering Sciences. A project proposal should be submitted in active collaboration with an academic/R&D institution in the chosen subject area.

Support: This scheme will provide a research grant with an upper limit of Rs. 23 lakh (for Ph.D. or equivalent) and Rs. 20 lakh (for M.Sc. or equivalent) for a well-defined R&D project proposal for a period of three years. This grant will include the fellowship of the applicant and cost of small equipments, contingencies, travel, consumables etc. Institutional overhead charges will be extra.


Persons already in employment need not apply.
Women scientists, with a minimum of Post Graduate degree, equivalent to M.Sc. in Basic or Applied Sciences or B.Tech. or MBBS or other equivalent professional qualifications, are eligible for this scheme. Maximum age limit for this category is 35 years at the time of submission of the application. The amount of fellowship for such candidates will be Rs. 20,000/- PM.
Women scientists having a Ph.D. in Basic or Applied Sciences or M.Tech. or MD/MS, DM/MCH in Medical Sciences from recognized Universities can apply up to the age of 50 years. The amount of fellowship for such candidates will be Rs. 35,000/- PM.
Age relaxation of 5 years would be given to candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC and physically challenged category. Attested copies of supporting documents in this regard must be enclosed.

Preference would be given to candidates having a break-in-career due to family reasons.
Also, preference would be given to Ph.D./equivalent degree candidates. M.Sc./equivalent candidates may, however, be also considered if they have a bright academic record and demonstrable research experience in the form of publications, dissertations, patents, etc.
Last Date of Application :The Scheme is open throughout the year. Therefore, there is no last date of application.

Procedure For Applying:

Five (5) copies of neatly typed application (in single space and on both sides of the paper) should be submitted in the enclosed format at the address given below.
Carefully prepared proposal should be concise focused and complete in all respect

Download the wos- a Application
WOS- Application
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Women Scientist Scheme WOS-B (SoRF) :

The Department of Science & Technology (DST), New Delhi has made tremendous efforts in attracting women researchers and scientists towards science and technology by initiating several schemes/fellowship programmes. The DST has pioneered several gender initiatives since the 6th plan. The scholarship scheme viz. ‘Women Scientist Fellowship Scheme’ being implemented by the department since 2003 is specially focused on women scientists who would like to contribute to nation building through lab to land transfer, technology adaptation and scaling of location specific interventions. Women scientists who apply for this scheme are required to develop their own project/proposals for disseminating science and technological solutions addressing issues at the grass roots for societal benefit through search, design, adaptation and demonstration of S&T skills and techniques for enhanced opportunities for income generation, drudgery reduction and capacity building in different occupations at the grass root level.

The scheme has following objectives:

To bring back the women scientists and technologists in main stream after “break in their career”
Provide platform and training to women scientists and technologists (those do not have any prior experience in research and project formulation)
Encourage women scientists and technologists to apply their S&T training towards innovative solutions to address various societal issues.
There are two modes of the scheme:

A. Internship mode:

For women scientists/technologists having no previous experience of writing & implementing projects, a special one year internship programme has been designed and introduced during 12th plan. During this one year the women scientists/technologists would get attached to a S&T institution and be exposed to the latest techniques/ methodology and choose a suitable need based problem and develop a full proposal. After completion of the internship the detailed proposal would then be presented before a committee for further financial support under the project mode.

B. Project mode:

The women scientists/technologists who have a PhD Degree or master’s in science with adequate research experience and are either continuing to work as post Doc’s or have just attained their degrees, they will be considered for existing project based fellowship scheme.


A Women scientists or Technologist who is

Indian national living in India.
Currently not employed on permanent position.
Whose age is below 57 years at the time of applying.
The internship stream would be applicable to women scientists/technologists who have Master’s Degree in life sciences/chemical sciences and physical sciences or mathematical sciences or Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering / Technology/ Medicine from a recognized University or equivalent but have no experience in project implementation/R&D experience. PhD holders having a 5 years gap after Ph.D will also need to undergo the internship.
Women scientists/technologists who have a PhD Degree or master’s in science with adequate research experience and are either continuing to work as post Doc’s or have just attained their degrees will be eligible for project mode.
Amount of Fellowship:

Internship mode: 18000/ month for M.Sc. and 25000/month for Ph.D. Candidate
Project mode: 18,000-35,000/month on the basis of their education and experience

Coordinating Agency:

The National Academy of Sciences, India (NASI), 5, Lajpatrai Road, Mumfordganj, Allahabad – 211 002, India.

In the light of above, the several sensitization workshops have been planned at different centres of excellence all over the country. Details of these may be seen at DST website. DST looks forward for your dynamic participation and involvement in these workshops.

Women Scientist Scheme (WOS-C)

This category is mainly focused to provide an opportunity to women scientists for self-employment by utilizing their specialized domain knowledge in areas such as patenting, proof reading, science journalism, technical translation, clinical pathology labs, medical transcription etc. The objective of this scholarship is to create a large pool of trained women workforce with experience in the diverse areas mentioned above and building up a professional network.


Dr H B Singh
Officer in Charge,
Department of Science and Technology,
Technology Bhawan
New Delhi - 110 016
Phone :011-26590273
Email: haribsingh at nic dot in


Dr (Mrs.) Jyoti Sharma
SEED Division,
Department of Science and Technology,
Technology Bhawan
New Delhi - 110 016
Phone :011-26590304
Email: sharma dot jyoti at nic dot in


Ms Sangeeta Nagar
Patent Facilitating Centre- TIFAC,
Department of Science and Technology
Vishwakarma Bhawan
A Wing, 5th Floor
New Delhi - 110 016
Phone : 011- 42525802, 26852937
Email: wosc.pfc at gmail dot com, sangeetanagar2005 at gmail dot com

Thanks to the site for the information,

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