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In the first study of its kind, researchers have found an elevated rate of language delay in girls at 30 months old born to mothers who used acetaminophen (paracetamol) during pregnancy, but not in boys.

The study,which appears in European Psychiatry examines language development in relation to acetaminophen levels in urine. information was gathered from 754 women who
were enrolled into the study in weeks 8-13 of their pregnancy. Language delay was seen in 10% of all the children in the study, with greater delays in boys than girls overall.

However, girls born to mothers with higher exposure - those who took acetaminophen more than six times in early pregnancy - were nearly six times more likely to have language delay than girls born to mothers who did not take acetaminophen. These results are consistent with studies reporting decreased lQ and increased communication problems in children born to mothers who used more acetaminophen during pregnancy.

Reference: ... ths-578127
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