PharmD Info

A forum for Indian Pharmacy Professionals

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Materiovigilance Programme of India #MvPI

To monitor the safety and ensuring quality of
medical devices used in india , the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, government of India approved and commenced the MvPI.

MvPI is now offering internship opportunity to the students of B.Pharm, M.Pham, Pharm D, Ph. D in Pharma, MBBS, MD, DM, BDS, MDS, Ph. D in Dental Sci., BE/ME/B. Tech/M.Sc./MSc/MS/Ph.D in biomedical engineering, ANM, GNM, DNA, BSc/M.Sc. Nursing and other Allied health science courses.

Grab the opportunity.

#internship #internshipopportunities
#medicaldevices #pharmacystudents
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