- 09 Feb 2018, 20:51
Clerkship Vs Internship - Doctor of Pharmacy
In the fifth year, every student shall spend half a day in the morning hours attending ward rounds on daily basis as a part of clerkship. Students practice clinical pharmacy services under the supervision of Academic and Clinical Preceptors.
Clerkship examination:
Oral examination shall be conducted after the completion of clerkship of students. An external and an internal examiner will evaluate the
student. Students may be asked to present the allotted medical cases followed by discussion. Students’ capabilities in delivering clinical pharmacy services,pharmaceutical care planning and knowledge of therapeutics shall be assessed.
Total Marks =100 ( 70 Marks external + 30 Marks Sessional)
Internship is a phase of training wherein a student is expected to conduct actual practice of pharmacy and health care and acquire s skills under the supervision so that he or she may become capable of functioning independently.
Internship or residency training including postings in specialty units. Student should independently provide the clinical pharmacy services to the allotted wards.
(i) Six months in General Medicine department, and
(ii) Two months each in three other speciality departments
Every student has to undergo one year internship as per Appendix-C to these regulations.
The intern shall maintain a record of work which is to be verified and certified by the preceptor (teacher practioner) under whom he works. Apart from scrutiny of the record of work, assessment and evaluation of training shall be undertaken by an objective approach using situation tests in knowledge, skills and attitude during and at the end of the training. Based on the record of work and date of evaluation, the Dean or Principal shall issue certificate of satisfactory completion of training, following which the university shall award the degree or declare him eligible for it.
Internship Examination:
ii) Satisfactory completion of internship shall be determined on the basis of the following:
Scores will be on various aspects from 0 to 5. ( Ranges from POOR=0 to Excellent = 5)
A Score of less than 3 in any of above items will represent unsatisfactory completion of internship.