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Guidelines for PharmD Internship, Hospital Training, Internship During COVID19, Clinical Pharmacy Activity Documentation Forms and etc.
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Hello everyone. I have some queries regarding the Pharm. D internship.

As per the PCI 2008 regulations for Pharm. D Internship during COVID 19 dated on 2-5-2020, point D. a) stated that " Allow internship in any hospital approved by PCI within India provided the hospital & Dean/Principal of the Pharm. D college where the student is studying, allow the same." This was done by PCI in order to remove the difficulties in an internship for Pharm. D students in wake of COVID-19 pandemic.

1. So my question is whether we can do the internship at any PCI affiliated hospital for the 12 months period? Or should we stick to the 9+3 rule, where we should do the internship for 9 months at an affiliated hospital & the rest 3 months at any hospital either in India or abroad?

2. Whether the relaxation for internship given by PCI is applicable to the students of the academic year 2020-2021?
manasa1 wrote: 21 Nov 2020, 19:18
1. So my question is whether we can do the internship at any PCI affiliated hospital for the 12 months period? Or should we stick to the 9+3 rule, where we should do the internship for 9 months at an affiliated hospital & the rest 3 months at any hospital either in India or abroad?

2. Whether the relaxation for internship given by PCI is applicable to the students of the academic year 2020-2021?
To answer your first question:

PCI has given instructions to the colleges on conducting PharmD Internship during COVID19 as follows;

"Allow internship in any hospitals approved by the PCI provided the hospital and Dean/Principal of the PharmD Colleges where the student is studying."

9+3 rule is not practically possible as like before in real-time, because the educational institutions (Including Hospitals) were closed or not allowed the students to practice during the COVID19 Pandemic.

But, general medicine (6 months) and speciality ( 6 months) wards rotations must be covered by real-time hospital visits if possible ( Any PCI approved hospitals or foreign Hospitals approved by your college) or by Case-Based Studies/ OSCE methods under your preceptor supervision and guidance.

As we know our Internship activities were interrupted from the month of March 2020 due to COVID-19. Its already nine months are over and still, students are not allowed to practice in their affiliated hospitals. Many of the PharmD colleges conducting internship activities through remote teaching.

To answer your second question:

The above relaxation is already mentioned in the PCI notification stating that the above relaxation is only applicable for Internships done during the year 2020 due to COVID 19 pandemic.

The following points should be noted,

1.Internship activity documentation is very important - General Medicine (6 months) & Speciality Wards(6 months) - This might be a regular case discussion and simulated activities.

2. Intern shall maintain and submit a record of work duly verified and signed by clinical or academic preceptor under whom he/she went internship in the hospital.

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